Split the Pot

Split the Pot is a collaborative fundraising initiative between St. Fintan’s National School and Mountrath Community Forum.

Split the Pot is a collaborative fundraising initiative between St. Fintan’s National School and Mountrath Community Forum.

The Split the Pot boxes are located all around the town in most shops and pubs. 

All you need to do is place €2 in the envelope, write your name and contact phone number on it and post it into the box.

Each Tuesday the first, second and third place winners are drawn at random from all the entries.

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Your €2 contributes to education, culture, activity and development of your community. For each €2 entry, €1 is for the winners, 50c is for the school and 50c is for the Forum.

With this funding St. Fintan’s have been able to purchase much needed books and materials.

Their paint the playground project has led to the return of playground hopscotch, snakes & ladders and much more thanks to all the colourful yard artwork.

We have financially supported various local clubs and groups, been able to undertake various projects and provide seed funding for groups throughout the Community to revitalise the area.

Thank you for supporting “Split the Pot” and we are delighted for this opportunity to tell you where your money goes.

By supporting this initiative you are supporting the community as whole.

Try your luck, it could be you!